Previously posted on my Facebook Timeline. Definitely worth repeating here on... Steps of Faith!
In recognition of African-American History Month, I was invited to
Although it was an awesome cultural experience, there is a "story" behind the story! It is always amazing how a person's day can be unknowingly impacted by others' actions - may it be a smile, word or an invitation to the White House. While traveling to the nation's capital, Washington, D.C. on a morning commuter train to attend the event, I encountered a lady as a seatmate at one of several stations. Almost immediately in our "polite" conversation, it became evident that she was a sister-in-Christ with an amazing story of God's goodness and mercy. As I told her that I had a friend who lived in the local town without mentioning my friend’s name but I made a mental note to call my friend soon. When she told me that her name was Diane, I could only smile.
. What a blessing! The train ride is usually reserved for reading or photo-taking. On this Friday, it became one of my most enjoyable train trips to DC. God always know what we need even if we don't. On the snowy morning of Feb 14th, He knew that one of His weary servants needed a "Koinonia moment". There is indeed refreshing power in His Word; Christian fellowship and unity. I almost missed the moment due to several little "distractions". What a blessing to just sit and share stories reflecting the power and goodness of a loving Father on Valentine's Day. What an awesome story of God's healing power and mercy shared by my seatmate, Diane.
. Immediately I knew why there had been so many "distractions" earlier. There is no doubt in my mind... spiritual warfare is real! Amazingly, my "Restart: Stepping Out in Faith" devotional for the day was centered on Nehemiah 6:5-9. Regardless of the "distractions" when God has a message, task, or someone to place on your path, Nothing can stop what God has deemed. Although, God's plan has not been fully revealed, I pray for "strength for the task" following the example of Nehemiah and other faithful believers.

. I humbly thank God for a wonderful day and those placed on my path! God is good!
Thanks! Good Job. Check out my blog if you get a chance,
Hello from sweden with joy to move on by steps in faith to glory to glory and from the power to power and from joy to joy in jesus name ,thanks and bless and pray for me ,keijo sweden
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