Saturday, October 20, 2012

Miracle of the Sunflowers

As you can see I finally got a closer look at the "Sunflowers of Jarrettsville" this year. In the past, I have driven by the “golden fields” and just admired them at a distance. A couple of years ago, I saw a picture of the sunflowers in a local newspaper and immediately made plans to visit the fields. After reading that the sunflowers would only be good for pictures another week, I promised myself to visit "next year".

God's timing is so amazing.
Although my "next year" did not come right away, the timing was perfect for an intimate outing with God. As I walked among the golden sunflowers, butterflies, and bumble bees, I quickly forgot about a leaking brake line and even an impromptu lawn mowing session after a broken promise. In the quietness of the moment, I found myself reflecting on the beauty and miracles within the unending rows of golden sunflowers. My thoughts wondered to that day's reading from my daily devotional, Sarah Young's Jesus Calling...
"You see miracles happening all around, 
while others see only natural occurrences and "coincidences".
As I walked deeper into the field, I was taken in by the overflowing miracles within this golden ecosystem. I am talking about the miracle of providence... co-existence... diversity... and even pollination as the butterflies and bees "danced" among the beautiful flowers as if to music.

I don't even remember what was planned for the afternoon but God's plan was indeed far superior. As I "played"  in the "golden fields", I was able to spend some time in God's presence. Simple pleasures are indeed golden!

The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”
Exodus 33:14 (NIV)

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

The Words of Faith Nourish Me

Another day... another step of faith.
The Words of faith continue to nourish me with each step. As I embrace the many life changes, I pray for  wisdom to see The Lord's path for me and courage to follow that path. I don't want to get in His way.

Seeing a butterfly is very uplifting... With each sighting, I am quietly reminded of "The Butterfly Struggle". Life challenges and changes strengthen us for our journey may it be that of a human or a butterfly.

According to "Journey North: Monarch Butterfly", some monarch butterflies from the northern US travel all the way to Mexico for the winter. That's over 3,000 miles! Although it is a long journey especially for a "delicate" butterfly, it is not traveling alone. That's the same with us, life may be a "journey" but we do not travel alone nor unnourished.

As nectar nourishes the butterfly, 
the Words of faith nourish me. 

 So, I feed on God's Word because it strengthens me. When I see a butterfly flying high, I smile because I know that as the butterfly flies strong and free... it is through God's divine plan. And God has a plan for me!

 "If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereunto thou hast attained." 
                           1 Timothy 4:6 (KJV)

Monday, October 08, 2012

Going about my way... Steps of Faith

Hello to you and another God-given day,

 Filled with anticipation and excitement, I greet another day... unlike yesterday or tomorrow. No day is ever the same! Indeed, I am excited and humbled about discovering what (or who) will be placed on my path today. What will I learn... who will I meet... What will I see... Who will I help! Each day is truly a gift. So I venture out to see what awaits me today. If our paths should cross, let's walk together... Connecting, Reaching, Growing, Serving, and Giving together.

I humbly thank God Almighty... for each and every amazing day...for walking with me... for carrying me... for His grace, patience, and amazing love. Over the years, I have traveled various life paths. Some were overwhelming, and The Lord cleared my mind. Some were blinding, and The Lord opened my eyes. Some were painful, and The Lord was my comfort. Through it all, my faith and I have grown stronger during the darkest hour and in the lowest valley.

How is that even possible? Simple answer... Steps of Faith.

I know that throughout my "walk", I am Never alone. God Almighty walks with me each and every day! Some days, He carries me. I am so thankful that our God Almightly loves me so much!

Be still, and know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10 (NIV)

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