Tuesday, October 09, 2012

The Words of Faith Nourish Me

Another day... another step of faith.
The Words of faith continue to nourish me with each step. As I embrace the many life changes, I pray for  wisdom to see The Lord's path for me and courage to follow that path. I don't want to get in His way.

Seeing a butterfly is very uplifting... With each sighting, I am quietly reminded of "The Butterfly Struggle". Life challenges and changes strengthen us for our journey may it be that of a human or a butterfly.

According to "Journey North: Monarch Butterfly", some monarch butterflies from the northern US travel all the way to Mexico for the winter. That's over 3,000 miles! Although it is a long journey especially for a "delicate" butterfly, it is not traveling alone. That's the same with us, life may be a "journey" but we do not travel alone nor unnourished.

As nectar nourishes the butterfly, 
the Words of faith nourish me. 

 So, I feed on God's Word because it strengthens me. When I see a butterfly flying high, I smile because I know that as the butterfly flies strong and free... it is through God's divine plan. And God has a plan for me!

 "If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereunto thou hast attained." 
                           1 Timothy 4:6 (KJV)


Dawn said...

I love the look and the blog. Nice job.

Dawn said...

I love the look and the blog.

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